


Day 1-Apples

Have painted apples before so this time I tried to paint a realistic one, harder than I thought! 因為之前已經畫過蘋果了,所以這次來挑戰寫實風格,沒想到還真難畫啊!

Day 2-Fritters

Life is like fritters. You never know what it tastes like till you bite into it. 人生就像煎餅,直到你咬下的那一刻才知道嘗起來是什麼味道。

Day 3-Sleigh on Roof

Copy from the Christmas card but change the ground to the roof. 模仿聖誕卡片圖案,但把土地換成了屋頂。

Day 4-Santa’s List

What does Santa do with the naughty list? He’s been naughty with it of course! 聖誕老公公都怎麼處理調皮孩子的名字清單呢?那當然是調皮地把它們都摺成紙飛機!

Day 5-Bathtub Party 泡泡浴派對

Day 6-St. Nicholas 聖誕老人

Day 7-Cotton Candy 棉花糖

Day 8-Children

Painted 4 kids represent my own one singing carols. 畫了代表我的四個孩子唱聖誕歌

Day 9-Christmas Cards

Cards on the Christmas tree. 掛在聖誕樹上的聖誕卡片

Day 10-Stockings

Having these "lost socks" rocks painted for the daily challenge back in May, since then I always had the idea of painting a fireplace for them. After 7 months I finally got the motivation from the daily challenge today to finish this idea. Take way too long but so in love with it. Now these lost socks finally got their forever home in the little wooden frame. (There are magnets both on the rocks and frame, so you can take them off and stick them back in different orders for your liking)


Day 11-5 Golden Rings

A clown with 5 hula loops! 畫了一個小丑和五個呼拉圈。(有一首聖誕歌叫做Twelve Days of Christmas,從第一天唱到第十二天,每天愛人都呼應天數送與當天日數相同的禮。第五天,愛人送了五個金戒指,由來大概是這樣的)

Day 12-Poinsettia 聖誕紅

Day 13-Violin

Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like the violin. 快樂是需要練習的,就像拉小提琴一樣。

Day 14-Roasted Chestnuts

Even paint a Christmas-y hat for the chestnuts. 火烤栗子,甚至畫了聖誕帽哩!

Day 15-Cupcake

I really love to paint this kind of cute clipart. 紙杯蛋糕,很喜歡畫這些可愛版的小圖

Day 16-Chocolate

(Chocolate AGAIN!!!!! This time I choose Forrest Gump) Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. (又是巧克力!這次選擇以阿甘正傳為主題) 人生就像一盒巧克力,你永遠不知道拿到的會是哪一種。

Day 17-Maple Syrup

You just can’t have maple syrup without pancakes. 既然要畫楓糖漿,怎麼可以少了鬆餅呢是不是?

Day 18-Cookies

Cookies and milk for the Santa. 畫了放在樹下要給聖誕老公公的牛奶和餅乾

Day 19-Evergreen


Day 20-Caroling 唱聖誕歌

Day 21-Bah Humbug

I have to Google this one. Apparently it’s an ugly dwarf or something, so I painted these things. 必須谷歌搜尋,找到的圖案是一個壞脾氣的矮人之類的,所以我就畫了老矮人。(Bah Humbug中文意思是呸!胡說八道!”)

Day 22-Winter

Four kids skiing in the winter. 四個孩子在湖上溜冰

Day 23-Festive 節慶

Of course had to be Christmas! 那當然要畫聖誕節啦!

Day 24-Egg Nog

Paint a whole carton and a cup. 蛋奶酒,畫了一對的鋁箔包和酒杯

Day 25-Christmas

All about presents. 聖誕節,當然少不了禮物啦!

Day 26-Boxing Day.jpg - 彩繪石頭 Rock Paintings

Day 26-Boxing

I know it meant Boxing Day, anyway, I just felt like painting something related to Australia, so here it is, a kangaroo mum with her joey boxing! 聖誕節的隔天是有名的拍賣節Boxing Day,但我就是想話跟澳洲有關的東西,所以畫了打拳擊的袋鼠母子

Day 27-Snowflakes.jpg - 彩繪石頭 Rock Paintings

Day 27-Snowflakes

Elsa for my daughter. She’s very happy. 雪花。畫了冰雪奇緣的Elsa給我大女兒,她超開心的

Day 28-Playing Cards

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. 當我們再也沒辦法改變現狀時,我們就被挑戰必須改變自己。

Day 29-Peppers 青椒

Day 30-Bacon

You are the Bacon to my egg & I’m so Egg-cited. 你是我荷包蛋上的培根 & 我好興奮!

Day 31-New Year’s Eve

Party with champagne! 新年派對配香檳!


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