"What's your purpose in life?" I asked.
"Be a nanny! I always wanna be a nanny." You said.

And you ARE really a great nanny for every mum who knows you.
You show your greatest love to every child you met.
From the shining in your eyes to the biggest smile on your face.
No wonder I love to cuddle you so much.
In front of you, I am a wounded child who need your great love as well.
And you never reject me.

You are not only a nanny to all the children you know
But a nanny who looks after the mums as well.

You fulfilled your purpose of life perfectly.
I know you will feel so regret you can't be there for your own grandkids.
But don't worry, when the time comes, it's our turn to be a nanny for yours.

Words just can't express how I feel with all those feelings running through my mind.
But you will know it.
You are everywhere now.

Thank you for all these journey, it's not the end.
It's just another beginning of another chapter.
I'll meet you one day.


(wrote on 29/01, 9:50pm)


Attended a beautiful funeral of a lovely family today, with lots of laughters and tears, happiness and sadness. Amazing Sharon after two years fighting with bone cancers, decided to left her beautiful memories that imprint every heart and impact every soul in her life, and went to heaven.

Sharon, I might not know you for a very long time, but it's such a privilege to make friend with you. You are a very strong fighter, always look on the positive side even in a really tough situation. Your five children they are just so lovely and warm-hearted, as a mum, you done a bloody brilliant job. "How do you do that?" this is the question I've been asking you every time I met you.

You are not only my parenting consultant but also my marriage relationship inspiration. With a partner who always work away, I can imagine the tough lifestyle you and Mathew had both gone through especially when cancer came visit you.

You still stay so positive no matter what happened in your life, got a leg remove and had to sit on the wheelchair or broke your arm, you still smile so shine! You left your incredible attitude for me to puzzle for the rest of my life. Because of you, I learn to cherish everyday I have, try to smile as bright as you did, you touch my heart and totally change my world.

"One step at a time" you write down your motto on my note and said with your humorous way, "Look! I only got one leg left, that's why!" You got the power to encourage people in such a cheeky character, no wonder whenever we think of you, there's always smile on our faces. You are truly a sunshine, brighten up every broken heart that came to you.

I was lucky to sing you this song that I made when you still got conscious in the hospital. I will keep singing this song every time I miss you. I love you Sharon, thank you for step into my life and light up my vision. I'll meet you over there one day.

Love Shermy


Ode to Sharon-You Are My Sunshine

Sharon, Sharon, you always on my heart
You lift me up my spirit and teach me to be strong
Share on, share on, the meaning of your life
Share it on with all your love and pass to everyone

One step at a time, just as you said, even road of life is rough
Don't give it up, no matter how, live your life as bright as sun

You are my sunshine
My very sunshine
You make me happy
You make me shine
You give me love and hopes
To make me live on
You are my sunshine
I love you so much

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