

Day 1-Watermelon 西瓜

The result of not looking up for any reference-kids saying it’s a strawberry and kiwi fruit. Bahaha! 沒有參考任何圖片的繪畫成果就是—孩子們說我畫的是顆草莓和金黃奇異果,哈哈哈!  

Day 2-Honey 蜂蜜

I really love this one because it’s pattern and design. “How sweet it is to be loved by you” 我真的很喜歡這一顆的圖案和設計喔!「被你疼愛是多麼甜蜜的一件事」

Day 3-Oyster

I paint the shell of the colour of the earth. “The world is your oyster. You are the pearl.” 我把蚌殼畫成地球的顏色。「世界是你的蚌殼,你則是那顆珍珠」

Day 4-Olives 橄欖

Playing with the words. 玩文字諧音。“Olive You”=I Love You

Day 5-Eggshell 蛋殼

This was painted on an exactly oval egg shape rock. 這可是畫在跟蛋一模一樣、橢圓狀的小石頭上喔!

Day 6- Blue Crab 藍蟹

Try to make it look like a Japanese style print. 想製造出日式拓印的感覺

Day 7- Red Pepper 紅椒

Don’t mean to brag but I’ve been told I’m kinda hot. 不是我愛炫耀但是我常被人稱讚我有夠辣的

Day 8-Canary 金絲雀

Day 9-Tomato 番茄

Day 10-Buttercup 毛莨

My first thought is some sort of butter-ish dessert, but it’s actually the name of a yellow flower. 我以為是什麼奶油類的甜點,原來是一種黃色的花!

Day 11-Apricot 杏桃

You can’t find this fruit in Asia. Lucky we have it here in Australia. They’re like small peaches and is very yummy. 在亞洲地區找不到杏桃這種水果,但在澳洲有。他們很像小顆的甜桃,很好吃。

Day 12-Bubblegum 泡泡糖

A teeny tiny bubblegum machine. Which colour you think you gonna get? 畫了超小型的泡泡糖機,你覺得你會轉到什麼顏色呢?

Day 13-Raisins 葡萄乾

I only learn raisins are different from sultanas when I’m in foreign country. lol. Anyway, I tried to paint raisin bread. Can you tell? 我在國外才知道原來葡萄乾有兩種,紅葡萄製成的葡萄乾叫做raisin,綠葡萄乾則叫做sultana. 是不是學到了呢?看的出來我在試著畫葡萄乾麵包嗎?

Day 14-Bean 豆子

Does it look like a speckle kidney bean? 有像嗎有像嗎?這是一顆花豆!

Day 15-Raspberry Tart 覆盆子塔

When you put your painted rock on top of a biscuit photo just make it look so real! 把彩繪石頭和餅乾盒的包裝一起拍照,看起來還挺逼真的呢!

Day 16-Silver Fox 銀狐

Day 17-Grape Jelly 葡萄果醬

I thought grape jelly is really a jelly, for my surprise, it is jam! 我以為grape jelly是葡萄果凍,沒想到是果醬!

Day 18- Scarlet Macaw 五彩金剛鸚鵡

Day 19- Blonde 金髮

A blonde wearing a bikini at the beach. (I like to see the blonde’s face please!!!) 在海灘穿著比基尼的金髮女郎(敲碗正面照啊啊啊!!!)

Day 20-Salmon 鮭魚

For a food lover like me, it has to be a sushi! 吃貨如我,當然得畫壽司啊!

Day 21-Green Apple 青蘋果

Wormy one. 有蟲!

Day 22-Blue Jay冠藍鴨

Didn’t know it’s the name of the bird. Kinda cute. “The bluebird carries the sky on his back.” 原來是鳥的名字,挺可愛的。不是藍鵲喔!「藍鳥身上背著一片天空」

Day 23-Eggplant 茄子

Day 24-Golden

I chose to paint the golden brand crumpet. Yummo! 我選擇畫金牌烤餅,好吃喔!(crumpet是一種小圓麵餅,口感類似印尼的martabak 煎蛋餅,或是台灣的麵煎餅)

Day 25-Bluebell 藍鈴草


Day 26-Sage 鼠尾草

Paint a whole bunch of garden herb. I love it! 結果畫了一系列的香料…超愛!

Day 27-Cherry 櫻桃

Gotta be the cherry in the black forest cake! I know it’s hard to tell it’s a cake..當然要畫我最愛的黑森林蛋糕裡的那顆櫻桃囉!好啦,我知道很難看出這是一塊蛋糕…

Day 28-Wheat 稻麥

Wheats under the starry sky. 星空下的稻麥

Day 29-Greyhound 獵犬

Silhouette style. 剪影畫

Day 30-Emerald 翡翠

An emerald diamond it is. 畫了一顆翡翠鑽石

Day 31-Tangerines 橘子

More like apple, I know…看起來比較像蘋果,我知道…


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