The Gap Between the Dreams and Reality
I'm not always perfect on every rock that I painted. Like these two. I was tend to draw exactly the same thing as shown in the catalogue, but ended up like these. Yes, I feel upset. I’m not happy with what I’ve done. How many times in life we feel the same when our expectation fails in reality? How do you deal with it?
One thing that I learn from rocks painting is that, don’t be scared. Painting is a thing that you need to take the risk of ruin your expectation. One mistake can easily break the whole balance of the art piece. It definitely needs courage to overcome your fears and just do it. It’s the same thing in life. Sometimes we hesitate to move on or try something different.
We all holding the life’s big paint brush doing our life art works, but when it comes to the time of changing the paint brush, colour, or the tone for your work piece, we hesitate and stop. We dare not take the risk. Too much “what if” occupied your whole mind. I’ll say, just let go and DO it. If it didn’t work out right, then, FIX it!
Like these two rocks I’m showing here, they’re not perfect, but I fix it till I’m satisfied. It didn’t meet my expectation, but it comes from my hand, and it has its own uniqueness. I simply accept the way they turn out, and I appreciate that they give me an important lesson.
Just paint away! Don’t be scared! Meet your frustration from the gap between the dreams and reality so that you have chance to fix it and grow out of it. Don’t let your fear stop your life painting from ordinary to extraordinary.