Geraldton城裡明天舉辦The Fools Fest歡樂愚人節活動,其中有一個項目是Live Art Battle,是一個限時三十分鐘的作畫比賽。因為不用錢、又有提供所有器材,於是我本人也不管自己根本沒有在帆布上作畫的經驗,就很勇敢的去報名了,明天下午三點準時開戰。
Playing with Acrylic Paint
Live Art Battle for The Fools Fest is on tomorrow 3pm at Stow Garden in Geraldton. You have 30 minutes to paint. It’s free to register and all the gears were supplied. So, I registered with my brave heart even I have no experience of painting acrylic on the canvas at all.
Shit! Of course I’m scared! You got to paint in front of people. If it’s a rock painting battle I won’t be scared cause I’m familiar with the medium. But they are canvas; I have no idea what’s going to happen.
Lucky I got some canvas which I bought long time ago only because I thought they are blank ones and realize they got simple printing on it. I washed and brushed them under the water, and these few days I was playing with them.
For my first attempt, I used big paint brushes. I didn’t wait for the paint to dry and paint the tree straight on. I thought acrylic paints were quick dry but never understand if the paints were really thick you can still play around it.
I love trees. So I paint tree. Tomorrow I’m going to paint tree as well.
For my second attempt I used my bare hand to do the background and then the tree. Unfortunately my finger nails are not delicate enough. I still have to use detail paint brush to paint the branches.
After doing these two paintings, I reckon if I can just do a background within 30 minutes that should be enough. Bahaha! Is that too simple to ask?
The point is tomorrow I’m going to face my own fear. I will just go have some fun and see what I can create. I’m curious. Let’s wait and see!