Have you ever thought of that?
The way you treat your kids is actually the way how your dad treat you in the past.

How do you feel when your dad treated you like that?
Still remember how you feel?
Do you hate him?
Do you curse on him?
Do you ever wish that you won't be like him if you were a parent yourself?

The traumas form in the young age is very hard to recover.
See how you still remember the bad things that your dad did to you then you should understand.

You used to be a sufferer, you should know better.
Now you end up being an injuring person, both mentally and physically.
Do you want your kids to hate you, curse on you and wish they won't be a person like you?
Or you prefer to set up a good example for them,
teach them more patiently than your dad did and be good to them and have a good relationship with them?

Everyone needs love. Without love, one will die.
See how your first son eager for your love?
He cries that much because he can't get any good love from you.
Maybe he prefers to die.

Threatening and scolding is what he can remember from you so far.
And it reflects straight away on his drawing, black.

Does he really deserve a black childhood like that?
Or you just want to repeat your trauma is and try to put it on him as well?

Kids' worlds are colorful and beautiful.
Please don't take that away from their life in the very young age.
Just like what your dad did to you.
That's not right at all.

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