
I won an Easter raffle from school; the raffle that our Kindy P&C had organize the prizes for 6 raffles, and the only raffle I helped to wrap it for my very first time. I wasn’ t thinking too much when I asked my husband to buy some tickets (we end up buying 6 tickets which cost 6 dollars), and before the drawn day I just had a thought that if I DO  have a chance to win one of the raffles, it would be good to be the one with the puppy toy in it, because my youngest loves dogs. So when Gaven brought the raffle back home, I’m pretty surprise.. It’s the one with the puppy toy!  And I didn’t realize it’s also the one I wrapped until later tonight. It’s a bad wrapped, but with a good intention. Thank you God choosing us as one of the winners. What a blessing!

我抽到了一個禮籃,這是學校P&C(Parents & Citizens,由學生家長組成的團體,專門辦活動募款以便添購學校器材)所舉辦的復活節募款中六個禮籃的其中一個,是我唯一幫忙包的禮籃,也是我人生中第一次包禮籃。當我要老公去買幾張抽獎券時我並沒有想太多,總共花了$6澳幣買了6張抽獎券。在要抽獎的前一晚,我突然想到,如果我真的有機會可以贏得其中一個禮籃的話,有小狗娃娃的那個禮籃最好,因為我最小的孩子喜歡狗。當老公把禮籃帶回家時,我非常的驚訝,竟然是有狗娃娃的那個禮籃耶!然後我到後來才發現那個禮籃正是我本人所包的,因為包得非常之爛,但是是有心意在的。感謝老天讓我抽到獎,真是太巧合也太幸運了!

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    Shermy=Share with Me 六寶媽日誌

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