Day 1-Coffee
A bit of retro colour style. 故意畫成有點舊舊的復古感
Day 2-Cars
Day 3-Witch
All witches came with a broom and a black cat. 所有的女巫都必備的掃帚和黑貓
Day 4-Smile Day
Smiley face absolutely belongs to Emoji! 當然要畫Emoji囉!
Day 5-Teachers
Was having a market that day, so I painted a teacher writing “Kind” on the blackboard. 這天其實在擺攤,就隨便畫了老師在黑板上寫”Kind”
Day 6-Mat Hatter
A character in Alice in Wonderland. 這是愛麗絲夢遊仙境裡的瘋帽子腳色。
Day 7-Bald & Free
Some people actually paint a bald and naked man! I decide to go with the eagle. 有些人畫了又禿又裸的老頭子,我還是決定乖乖地畫老鷹就好
Day 8-Tag
Ended up painting lucky charm tags which mean safe and sound (平安) and fate(緣).畫了兩個平安符
Day 9-Smoky the Bear
I don’t know what it is till know I google it. It’s an American icon for the Wildfire Prevention Campaign. 斯莫基熊,Google後才知道原來是美國森林防火吉祥物
Day 10-Gardian Angel
It might look simple, but it actually took a long time to find the right shape . 守護天使。也許看起來很簡單,但其實需要花上很多時間找到對的形狀。
Day 11-Party
A birthday party. 畫了一個生日派對
Day 12-Farmer
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O!! 王老先生有塊地,咿呀咿呀唷!
Day 13-Pumpkin
Halloween pumpkins. 畫了萬聖節南瓜
Day 14-Columbus Day
Another frame work, not sure whether others can tell it’s a ship or not. 哥倫比亞日。做了相框畫,不確定其他人看不看得出來這是一艘船。
Day 15-Ghost
Ghost Blaster! 捉鬼敢死隊!
Day 16-Peppa Pig
Gotta paint a whole family, even George’s dinosaur. 佩佩豬,當然得畫全家,連喬治的恐龍都畫了呢。
Day 17-Gaudy
I don’t really know what it means, so I paint some jewellery like stuff. 其實不太清楚Gaudy”華而不實”是什麼意思,所以就畫了一些像寶石的東西。
Day 18-Mummy
Day 19-Sweet
For me, my favourite sweet will always be the bubble tea. I paint some chocolates as well. 甜點。對我來說,我最愛的甜點當然是珍珠奶茶,我還另外畫了一些巧克力呢。
Day 20-Fruit
Kiwis and oranges, it took longer than I thought. Not easy at all!!! 水果,畫了奇異果和柳丁,比想像中花了更長的時間完成,不好畫啊!
Day 21-Babbling
Day 22-Spiders
Incy wincy spider and its web. 畫了小小的蜘蛛和他的網。
Day 23-Talk Show Host
Just feel like painting Bluey for no reason, but Bluey is not a talk show host at all. (So I made him hold the mic). 就是想畫布魯伊這個卡通腳色不知道為什麼,可是人家明明就不是脫口秀主持人(所以我硬是讓他拿了麥克風)。
Day 24-Bologna
I have to google it, and it’s a town apparently. So I painted a silhouetted town, but all the other pals painting the ham. Double check with my hubby and realize it’s the Italian town famous for the ham. Google後才知道是一個義大利的城鎮,於是我就畫了城市剪影,但是其他石友都畫了火腿,於是我跟老公詢問才知道,原來這個城鎮就是以火腿出名的。
Day 25-Punk
Don’t like painting punk, so I done an easy one. 不喜歡畫龐克風,所以畫了很簡單的鳥。
Day 26-Make a Difference
Happiness is found within. One of the kindness rock that I painted before (yes, I’m taking a rest for today). 快樂必須向內找。用了之前畫的一顆善心石交作業(是的,我今天休息一天)
Day 27- Story Stone
Made up for the laziness yesterday, so today I double my time to do my favourite story set--The Very Cranky Bear!!!! Write a song a year ago for the story: https://youtu.be/zfzAzDasBlg
Day 28-Stuffed Animal
I used to have a little white lamb that I favour so much when I was a little girl. Oh, childhood memory. 絨毛娃娃。曾經在我還是小女孩時我擁有一隻好喜愛的白色小羊,喔,童年的回憶啊!
Day 29-Frankenstain
Use recycled rocks from the kids, you know kids just love to put the paint randomly, perfect for background though. 科學怪人,利用孩子所畫的石頭。你知道小孩子都喜歡亂畫嘛,這個主題拿來當背景很可以!
Day 30-Candy Corn
It’s a candy shape like corn kernels. I never seen it/taste it. Don’t have it in Australia. Anyway, I decorated it with Halloween theme. Kinda like it, cute!! 玉米糖果。是在美國很有名的一種糖果,長得很像玉米粒。我從沒看過;吃過,澳洲沒有賣。反正呢,我把它打扮成萬聖節的主題,還滿喜歡的,可愛可愛的~
Day 31-Halloween
Bahaha!!! I can’t help myself to laugh at this one. It supposed to be a brain, but ended up more like a tumour or something…It’s Halloween, who cares!! 哈哈哈!看到這顆就忍不住要大笑。本來是要畫腦的,結果成品竟然像腫瘤還是什麼鬼的…管他的啦,反正是萬聖節嘛!