My very first Kindness Rocks Garden set up in our community at Child and Parent Center (Geraldton, Western Australia) today as my community project of leadership program. What a mission!
It's actually my daughter Evollyn's 4yr birthday and I like to do something special to celebrate it. Setting up the rainbow garden seems like a good idea ❤
We spent 3 hours to get these things done: paint the garden bed wall and arranging the rocks. 1/3 of the time actually gone for soothing my 3 month old baby. Thank you my baby Nevagal having some sleep so I can do things.
Evollyn很有耐心的幫忙上漆和分類石頭,儘管她一直跟我說她不想再做了。對一個四歲小孩來說,她真的做的很棒,我為她感到非常的驕傲 ❤
Evollyn had been very patient helping me with the painting and sorting the rocks, even she keep telling me she didn't want to do it anymore. As a 4 years old, she had done a fabulous job and I'm so proud of her ❤
I'm now physically tired but feeling so thankful and excited how things turn out. I have finally achieve one of my goal and I'm looking forward to make it fold in the future.
Thank you Jennifer, Emma and Nicola at the Child and Parent Centre for helping me with my baby and support me all the time. I can't do this without your help. Thank you LEAD program to make my dream come true. I have a better understanding of how to put thing into action, be a dreamer is just not good enough.
I wish everywhere I go, I can always find the rainbow, if not, I will MAKE THAT RAINBOW!! Because rainbow is HOPE, and HOPE is what driven us and connect us all together ❤