當斷食遇上打掃 (12.04.2022)
今天用天然酵母試作了印尼國餅martabak,類似麥仔煎的厚鬆餅。我很喜歡吃甜口味的(martabak manis),灑上花生、巧克力、煉乳和大量奶油,再加上起士,真的超好吃的,可是我試作的結果,感覺口感不對,味道也沒到位。打算下次試另一個食譜,是有加木薯粉增加麵餅的Q度,希望能做出比較接近的口感。煎的第一份焦了,火候果然要很小很小,幸好孩子們還是吃的讚不絕口😅 反正我做失敗的,都是請孩子們幫忙解決就是了,只有孩子們才能那麼大方接受。
今天整體過得不錯,感謝上天保祐。明天的house inspection請保祐我們順利過關♥
The Basic Life, 24hrs of No Electricity (12.04.2021)
No power for almost 24 hrs now. This is the very first time since I’ve been in Australia, and also the very first time for the kids since they were born, to experience the life without any electricity. To be honest, I quite enjoy the basic life like this
Except for no electricity, there’s no phone signal as well. But we are very lucky to still have the water running. If there’s no water, it would be a total disaster.
My husband cannot stand the boredom. He still need to go for a drive even there’s not one single shop opening. Just by thinking of how much loss it caused by the lack of power, I feel sorry for all. But if we could use it as a chance to start all over again, maybe it’s not such a bad thing at all.
Situation like this, is no worse than the life in lock down. It pushes even more toward the heart. Instead of connecting to the outside world all day long, the dark night has force people to face the loneliness inside. I feel that this is a really good strategy to push people up to the point of realisation. And I wish tomorrow night it could be the same, at least for 3 nights straight. I know that I eager to live a life like this, because I, love to get in touch with my inner world.
Thank you for this opportunity to make people rethink their roles in life. Thank you for a good book to guide me during this time. I feel truly satisfied and happy, to be loved and looked after by the universe. I wish everyone can understand how much they’re loved by God