七月,歷經了孩子們整整兩周半的school holiday,家裡每天都吵吵鬧鬧的,很是熱鬧。當學校開學後,內心真的是由衷的感謝孩子們仍能上學這件事,學校真的讓當父母的我們輕鬆了很多。
由於領導者養成計畫中的社區服務也到了該開始實施的階段,這個月因此畫了不少The Kindness Rock。很久沒畫大顆一點的石頭還真是有點不太習慣,但可以發揮的空間真的好大,也激起我畫了不少原創(不然都嘛是上網找圖練習視畫)。
這個月我最愛的創作就是Favourite Place,畫了我很喜歡的一個閱讀室,很希望自己能入住其中。另外也發揮創意畫了一台水果拉霸機,真心覺得,真的只有自己能超越自己了。趕緊來看看這個月的創作吧!
Day 1- Rejoice 欣喜
My first thought is the happy girl inside the Candy Crush game. I painted her on a wood frame and spent lots of time finish the whole magnet set. And then, I told myself, no, it can’t be. It has to be something on the rock. Not the frame. So I choose a simple calligraphy writing to compensate the time I’ve been spending on painting the extra for this month.
這個主題第一個讓我想到的就是Candy Crush裡面 的小女孩。我在木框中畫下了小女孩,並花了很多的時間完成了一整組的石頭磁鐵。然後我告訴自己,不行,必須要是畫在石頭上的才可以算數。所以最後我選擇了一個簡單的鋼筆字描寫,好補償我除了每日一畫中還必須額外花時間的創作。
Day 2- Texture 質感
What’s so special about this one is, it’s all done by my left hand. Saw a challenge of painting this picture using your non-dominant hand so I give it a try. Not the best but good enough.
Day 3- Playful 好玩的
The candies and the Play button in Candy Crush. Candy Crush裡頭的糖果們和遊戲按鈕。
Day 4- Quite 安靜
It’s quite because there’s no one around. 之所以安靜是因為沒有任何一個人在場。
Day 5- Favourite Colour 喜愛的顏色
My 5yrs old daughter painted this rainbow colour on both side. I have her permission to write words on it and I love it.
Day 6- Flow 流動
Good things come to those who bait. 原諺語是Good things come to those who wait,好事終將發生在願意等待的人身上。
Day 7- Free 自由
Because my daughter love to free dance and been asking for a pair of ballet shoes, so I painted a pair for her. (No, she’s not impressed. She’s going to ask Santa for that now. ) 因為女兒很喜歡自由的跳舞著,甚至還跟我們開口要買一雙芭蕾舞鞋,於是我就畫了一雙給她。(不,她不滿意,她打算去跟聖誕老公公要)
Day 8- Fall 秋
Strolling among the autumn path. 在秋天的小徑上漫步
Day 9- Fruit 水果
Banana it is. 畫了一串蕉
Day 10- Fast 速
Decide to paint the fast food. Sure it’s a small chip! 決定畫速食,這絕對是小薯!
Day 11- Round 圓
A Buddha’s round belly. 佛陀的圓肚肚
Day 12- Favourite Place 喜愛的地方
Paint an imaginary place that I really like to be: with the big window overlook into the green forest, with lots of books to read and enjoying that peace and quiet.
Day 13- Twisted 扭曲
A simple chain design. 簡單的鍊子設計
Day 14- Green 綠色
Snap snap! 鱷魚咬咬!
Day 15- Forgotten 遺忘
The forgotten video game in Nintendo “Circus Charlie” 被遺忘的任天堂遊戲「馬戲團」
Day 16- Machine 機器
A slot machine! (Spend some time to look for the right shape) 水果拉霸機!(花了一些時間才找到適合的形狀)
Day 17- Spontaneous 衝動
Be spontaneous. 要有衝勁
Day 18- Soft 軟
To be soft is to be powerful. 柔軟即是強大
Day 19- Favourite scent 喜愛的味道
When I was a little girl, I once had a kid’s perfume in a whale shape bottle. It’s the scent of memory. So I choose to paint a whale and a bottle. 小時候曾經擁有過一個鯨魚瓶狀的兒童香水,是回憶的味道,因此我選畫了鯨魚和瓶子。
Day 20- Wiggle 扭動
Life is full of surprise. 人生充滿了驚喜
Day 21- Organic 有機
Just because I love orange. 因為我喜歡柳丁
Day 22- Valuable 有價值
Piggy bank. 小豬撲滿
Day 23- Alone 單獨
You are not alone. 你不孤單
Day 24- Abundance 豐盛
Abundance in the garden. 花園裡的豐盛
Day 25- Sharp 尖銳
A cat’s sharp teeth. 貓貓尖銳的牙齒
Day 26- Favourite Song 喜愛的歌
Hymn To Humanity. The song Veronica written and even made a world choir version with her husband Patrick. The lyric “Shout Aloud We All Shall Say Hallelujah” had been sung in different languages in this song. A song to bring artists together from every country.
讚美詩。這首歌是Veronica寫的,並且和她的先生Patrick一起製作了 世界合唱版。其中的歌詞「讓我們一起大聲喊哈雷路亞」
Day 27- Shine 閃亮
Let your light shine. (Matthew 5:16) 讓你的光閃耀 (馬太福音5:16)
Day 28- Complementary 附屬品
A complementary for the movie. 看電影的附屬品
Day 29- Yesterday 昨日
Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow. 學習昨日、活在今日、展望明日
Day 30- Pose 姿勢
A dance pose. 跳舞的姿勢
Day 31- Do-over 重做
Paint an eraser to be the representative of do-over: rewrite! 畫了一顆橡皮擦做為重做的代表:重寫!