WA ROCKS為西澳(Western Australia)現正流行的石頭躲貓貓遊戲,適合一家大小一同參與。此遊戲的原始發源地為紐西蘭,Palmy Rocks,可以說是石頭版的寶可夢。遊戲是這樣的,你可以試著在家附近的公園尋找被人藏起來的彩繪石頭,或是你也可以加入畫石頭的行列,把彩繪石頭藏在公園裡讓別人去發現。通常,找到石頭的機率不高,因為大部分的人找到了彩繪石頭就會帶回家收藏。因此遊戲規定,你可以保留你所找到的第一顆石頭,之後所找到石頭的若想保留,那就用自己畫的那顆石頭取代,不然,就是盡量幫忙”移動”石頭,讓更多人可以分享找到彩繪石頭的小驚喜。
我從去年年中加入了彩繪石頭的行列,至今已野放了好幾百顆的彩繪石頭。而現在有緣看到這篇文章、並住在馬來西亞或台灣地區的讀者們,有個好消息要告訴你們,今年二月我將會回台(過境吉隆坡)環島旅行,並在我所經過的任何點野放我在彩石阿卡貝拉(Rockapella)影片No.6(藍色眼睛)、No.7(Hoot’s Lullaby)中的所有彩繪石頭。我會隨時在部落格更新我藏石頭的地方,歡迎大家一起加入石頭躲貓貓遊戲的行列。
以下針對WA ROCKS的遊戲規則原文精要,加上自己的經驗作簡單的翻譯,讓大家來好好認識一下這個有趣的遊戲。
*石頭背後一定要標註臉書符號[f] 並寫上WA ROCKS。這樣其他人發現彩繪石頭後才知道接下來該怎麼做,也知道要怎麼找到我們。
其他更多關於彩繪石頭的小撇步,請參閱WA ROCKS臉書群組內的檔案夾。
所有的繪者們都非常希望可以再度看到自己所彩繪石頭的照片。所以你若找到了WA ROCKS的彩繪石頭,記得拍張照。然後將照片上傳到WA ROCKS的臉書群組上,註明你是在哪一區發現的。
(石頭上可能會有郵遞區號,也可能沒有,完全看繪者自由意志。當初會提倡放上郵遞區號的動機是,繪者們想知道自己的彩繪石頭可以流浪到多遠。目前在美國、峇厘島都有WA ROCKS的足跡。)
1. 重新找個地方藏起來。藏之前請務必上傳照片,並在PO文中註明你所藏匿的地點和區域名稱(例:台北市大安公園)
註:藏匿點僅限開放區域,並請確保所放之處不會造成任何危險(如動物園柵欄內、高樓樓台扶手等等)。而為了尊重宗教與亡者,禁放廟宇、教堂、和墓園。若藏匿地選擇公園,請確保所放之處高於草皮,以防石頭破壞到割草機,或被任何施工器具 輾壓受害。
2. 保留。若選擇保留石頭,請用搜尋功能看是否能找尋到原PO的藏匿文,並在該文底下留言告知。
請在臉書上將你認為會對WA ROCKS石頭躲貓貓有興趣的朋友加入群組,當愈多人加入遊戲行列,也代表找到彩繪石頭的機率更高喔!
A little bit of creativity and nature play for kids and parents that live in WA, Australia. Let's go hunting for painted rocks in your local park, or paint some and hide for others to find!
WA ROCKS is one of the largest of its kind globally! We now have members all over our beautiful state from top to tail, including many rural areas!
We'd like to thank Palmy Rocks, NZ, who without their initial inspiration, WA ROCKS would never have come to be!
*Use unpolished clean dry rocks.
*Acrylic paints & permanent markers work best.
*Rocks must be sealed prior to release so they hold up to the elements.
*Please make sure you write "WA ROCKS" and the [f] facebook symbol on the back and seal it so people know what to do with their discovery and how to find us!
For more tips on rock painting please refer to the files section on our group page.
*****WANT TO FIND A ROCK?*****
You can search this group for your suburb name, or local park name, to see if anything has been hidden there recently - just use the search bar at the top of the group page. Be sure to check comments for updates before you head off to avoid potentially looking for a rock that has already been found and moved.
*****FOUND A ROCK?*****
Our artists love to see pics when their creations are found, and love to see them move from park to park spreading joy, so if you find a rock please post a pic stating where it was found then:
1. Rehide it. You can do this at the same location or move it elsewhere. Be sure to let us know you've found it and repost the new location INCLUDING SUBURB on this page when hidden OR
2. Keep it, and leave a comment on the 'hide' post advising its no longer there.
Don't forget to share this group with anyone that you think might like to join us!
*Any promotion of other pages without prior approval will result in deletion.
*Any and all colours, creeds, ages, genders, faiths, races etc are welcome here. Please be mindful that our beauty lies in our diversity and be respectful of other members.
*You're welcome to ask the page any rock related questions that you may have, share tips and tricks, show off your work etc. Admins are also always available if you need us.
*Feedback is not only welcomed, it's encouraged! We want to make this page as cruisy and fun for you all as we possibly can.
Please always be a tidy Aussie when you are out and about. Let's keep WA beautiful.
Please also be aware that photos posted in this group may be copied and used by any group member unless you specifically write in your post/comment that you do not wish this to occur.
FOUNDER: Alana Stevenson
ADMINS: Alexis Holthouse, Rachael Lily & Cheynae Deleeuw
MODERATORS: Tracy Cooke, Julie Penny, Maureen Liversidge & Susan Hall