



"Thank you again for the beautiful rock! I waited until today to give it to my husband, since it is his mother's birthday. He absolutely loved it and will cherish it always!"-from Lindsey, Florida, USA

Proud Pop的故事

這是我偷偷畫給對方的一個驚喜,所以對方並不知道我幫她畫了這顆紀念石,直到收到這份驚喜為止。由於我所參與的石友群組(Painted Rock Pals)每個月都會舉辦交換禮物的活動,我配到的這個人,我注意到她也有在紀念石專區留言,希望有人能幫她繪製一顆。既然都注意到她了,就想說送給她一個驚喜吧!結果沒想到因為某些緣故,對方被踢出了石友群組,但是我石頭都畫了,當然還是得把東西寄到對方手上。這是她已逝的爸爸與她孩子唯一的合照。

"I just got your package in the mail. And i just want to say thank you thank you. I absolutely love this rock"-from Jennifer, Texas, USA



"Where to began I got your package today the rock of my brother is beautiful just beautiful your picture did not do it justice thank you for the chocolates and other goodies we like the key chain and paints what an amazing post card love everything about your package your other rocks are so amazing what wonderful work you do thank you again it means so much to me can’t even explain how I’m feeling my brother this rock is so amazing wow is all I can say.Thank you again, so amazing I’m still speechless. My heart runneth over I know it’s supposed to be cup but at this point I’m going to say heart. I am very blessed to be your rock pal. I’m so blessed to have joined the rock group this November and met you I knew when I got your package it was going to be awesome but I’m telling you you blew my socks off everything was so beautiful the rock of course but the words that you had on the rocks blew my socks off you have blessed my heart your my forever friend and so cool getting an Australia package not from the USA that topped it off."-from Bertha, Louisiana, USA




"Omgosh! Thank you Shermy Coleman for the wonderful pkg with the memory rock for my momma and my pup 💜 i love it and can't wait to try the tea 🍵"-from Wendi, Washington, USA




"I just received my pkg from Shermy Coleman. I absolutely love them. Thank you!! Brought tears to my eyes. Memorial rocks of my nephew. After the war he was battling PTSD and took his life just a few hrs shy of his 27th bday. "-from Christina, Michigan, USA


Angela死於乳癌,這是她女兒要求的紀念石。每次畫紀念石,我都會嘗試和要求者聊天,得知更多的訊息,順便交朋友這樣。但是這一位,在聊天的過程一直都是愛理不理的,讓我滿有熱臉貼冷屁股的感覺。我是在同一天先畫了Lolo,接著再畫Angela,整天就花費在畫紀念石上了。Angela很幸運的地方是,因為我先有了畫Lolo的練習(畫不像),所以能把Angela畫的比較像(真對不起Lolo啊…Lolo有戴眼鏡沒戴眼鏡差滿多的啊~~)。我除了寄紀念石以外,包裹都還會有其他的東西,像是澳洲硬幣、小袋鼠吊飾、巧克力等等,通常會再多附一顆彩繪石頭。這次我選給對方的石頭,正面寫goodbye,背面寫till we meet again。沒想到這一句正是對方為了紀念她媽媽而刺在手臂上的刺青,是不是很巧?彩繪石頭會選主人這件事,真的一點都不假啊!

"Received my memorial package from Shermy Coleman and I absolutely love it. It brought some wonderful tears to my eyes seeing it in person. This is my momma who passed away in 2013 at the age of 64. I miss her so very much. These will go next to her Urn on my entertainment center. I loved the extras as well..the coin, chocolates, paint and Vegemite. Some of the chocolates didn’t make it. Again I can’t thank you enough. These are very special. And the saying you put on the other rock is exactly what my tattoo says in memory for her too. 💖"-from Melissa, Alabama, USA


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