
Fashion Show “Curiosity & The Cloth”

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IOTA21 Day 1 Conference + Opening Night

IOTA21 Day 2 Conference + John Curtin Gallery

The last day of IOTA21 conference was a fashion show “Curiosity & The Cloth” at WA Museum Boola Bardip.

IOTA21會議最後一天,是在西澳博物館Boola Bardip舉辦的服裝秀。

I was so honoured to sit beside the director Jim with his wife Megan. Megan is an fashion artist herself, so I asked her what should I focus and prepare myself as this was my very first experience of fashion show and had no idea what to look for. She offered me some tips, and combined with a conversation I had with other artist in Day 1 Conference about the Fashion Show, I learned that it’s the movement of the cloth, different angle presenting on a moving body, and the colour, texture, design etc I need to pay attention to.

我很榮幸能坐在總監 Jim和她太太Megan旁邊。Megan本身是服裝藝術師,於是我向她請教觀看服裝秀時應該要看哪些重點,畢竟這是我第一次看服裝秀,根本不知道該期待些什麼。她教導了我一些技巧,加上我在會議第一天時,曾和某個藝術家談到服裝秀,我了解到服裝秀要看的重點是衣服的擺動、穿在身上時不同的角度、衣物顏料、材質與設計的組合等等。

The fashion show was located upstairs. Using the long escalator as a runway, which I reckon was such a genius idea! When the models were descending from the escalator, it’s like watching angels entering to a different world. There’s big screen setup on the side as well so you won’t missing anything at all. I tried to keep my eyes on the moving arts-both the models and the cloth, but found it hard to keep up.


I was surprised to see a performing art with two models sitting on the chairs and interacting with each other, including rolling an apple with their garments. This was a reworked from Malaysia artist Aiwei Foo’s Perfoming Project “Shaman Tearoom,” in order to give the cloth a second life. It was really fun to watch!

我很驚訝在服裝秀裡竟然穿插了一個表演藝術,由兩位模特兒坐在椅子上,用設計過、能與對方互動的衣著,互相滾著一顆蘋果。這是馬來西亞設計師Aiwei Foo利用他在”Shaman Tearoom”表演計畫裡,將服裝再做改良,讓衣物能有第二生命。真的很有趣!

Fashion show didn’t take long to finish. I feel really satisfied to end my IOTA21 conference with such highlight. And again, I want to thank Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, and all the people that work hard behind the scene to make IOTA21 successful. Thank you! And the following is my thought on that day that I’ve shared on FB.

服裝秀很快就結束了,能用這麼美妙的經驗畫下句點,我感到非常的滿足!再次感謝澳洲政府的偏區藝文基金所提供的經費,以及所有背後努力的人們,讓IOTA21會議非常圓滿。雖然每次拿到經費後都要寫報告、寫文章、並在網路上發表等等,但還是很有意思啦!經驗累積達標!(當然這一段沒有在英文中寫出來啦!哈哈) 文末附上我當日在臉書分享的心得記錄。


How genius to use the elevator as a runway for a fashion show


Never been to a fashion show before and have no idea what to look at. Those models walking too fast, my eyes can't catch up.


It's not like in the gallery where you can spend hours to observe the piece and ponder. It's fast, and gone like a flash. Should have called it Fast-hion indeed.

不像在美術館,你可以花上許多時間慢慢琢磨欣賞眼前的藝術品。服裝秀的步伐很快,轉眼即逝,Fashion 這個名詞真該改為Fast-hion才是。

It's stunning, it's wowza, it's a moving art piece. But I found it interesting to see the models all put on a serious look on their faces like they are not allow showing any emotions so all can just focus on the cloth itself.


The new building itself of WA museum Boola Bardip (means many stories) is amazing. The creatives behind the fashion show are really genius. I'm glad to be here tonight, to experience a vibrant and inspiring event like this

西澳博物館Boola Bardip(意思是許多故事)建築本身很壯觀。服裝秀背後的創意工作者們個個都是鬼才。很高興自己今晚能有機會,體驗像這樣充滿著色彩與靈感的活動


Click here to watch the Fashion Show highlight! Curiosity & the Cloth: highlights of the IOTA21 Fashion Event - 2021.09.19 at WA Museum Boola Bardip (Highlights 1) on Vimeo

And here for the full show: Curiosity & the Cloth: IOTA21 Fashion Event - 2021.09.19 (Full Show) on Vimeo

Next, the impact! 接下來,影響力!-->-->-->The Impact-Crafting with Yarn 影響—毛線的力量

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